Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cadeau de Noël: d'Evelyn

My dearest friend, E, from my So Cal years is visiting for the holiday, and she surprised me with a Christmas gift placed on my bed when I got home tonight (she was fast asleep when I came back, jet-lagging).

I happen to loooooooooooove Susan Boyle's voice.

And a hand-written Christmas card! She just knows me too well! ow I love getting one!

In there she wrote, remind me to embrace both goods and bads in our lives.
Thank you for being my true friend.
Thank you for listening and sharing.
You are a very important person in my life.
My world would be very different without you.
Thank you, Sak.

A Christmas card does not get any better than this.

Thank YOU, and love you, E!

Until next time,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy New Year,Sak!
    Millions of Japanese people were intoxicated with Suan Byles's beautiful voice last night.

    How do you like Kyoto?

    fumi xoxo
