Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bakin' Time! IX

After what seemed like a decade, I baked today. The last time was exactly a year ago, Feb 8th 2010. I baked so little in the year that just passed, I should no longer be qualified to claim "I like to bake in my free time" like I used to.

It was mom's 60th birthday last Saturday, which means a lot to mom, who is retiring in two months. And I wanted to make her something, like a scarf or something at least, which I miserably failed. I AM planning with sis to celebrate once she actually retires in March, though.

So, a baked chocolate cheese cake, it is. I was gonna opt for something with strawberries since they are in season, but sis reported she already made a strawberry cake last Sat and I thought I should do something different.

The crack was a disappointment, but other than that, nicely done.

I am proud of the cherry-blossom effect that I created with mom's geraniums that you see on the top there. The powder-sugar sprinkles that I used were all melted to nothing by the time we ate it, though.

Happy 60th year of your life, mom!

Until next time,


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