I had had, and still do, a cold that's tenaciously sticking around my sinus and I can't get rid of the phlegm for the life of me. Translation: I can't taste a damn thing. My voice's turned husky and I admit I rather like how I sound, though. Very Phoebee-singing-Smelly-Cat-on-a-sick-day.
Anyway, again, I can't taste a damn thing. I only know what I am eating since I have the visual. Yet, sitting at my favorite macrobiotic cafe alone gave me comfort. So I thought I might as well pretend I can savor the food.
The lunch special that's only available for 10 people a day.
Steamed brown rice with red beans, and kasu soup.Completed with a cup of herb tea.
Gotta love Brown Rice Cafe!
Until next time,
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